Thursday, February 24, 2011

To Be Seen!!! (click on the link)
"What do we really know about the great Pyramid of Gizeh ?
Imagine a movie that will totally change your perception of the pas.
Imagine we discover a forgotten side of our History.
Imagine it affects our future.
Imagine it is not fiction.
This is what the REVELATION OF THE PYRAMID is about, the investigation that will change the world." Patrice Pooyard

This is a preview of a soon-to-come movie about the secret of the pyramids. The pyramids reveal so much more than anyone can expect. The technology used to build the pyramids is revealed to be very modern whereas the pyramids where built when people where still wearing animal skins as clothes... What a mystery...
A 20centuries monument still very impressive
Seen from top, notice the precision of the construction...
Engineering from B.C

Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm simply ROYAL!!!

It is very important to me to write about me being ROYAl!!! By "ME" I mean all my Kemit sisters as well as any woman who feels that way.
I'm ROYAL because I am a Proud descendant of the first line of men on earth: the Kemits!!!
I'm ROYAL because I proudly wear my Black skin and my history.
So many stories told or untold about my ROYAL ancestors, the Black African people.
Among my ROYAL Kemit people, great warriors such as SHAKA ZULU, SOUNDJATA KEITA, WONGO,
YA ASANTEWA, KIMPA VITA, so many more to add in this list...
In my ROYAL Kemit history, great empires such as Monomotapa, Ghana, Kongo Kingdom and so many more.
I'm ROYAL!!! I'm ROYAL because I'm Beautiful!!! Not only because of my Golden color that shines under the father SUN-RA,
Not only because i have beautiful strong natural hair like a Lion mane,
Not only because I'm intelligent and amazingly attractive as GOD himself designed me with ROYAL shapes,
I'm ROYAL because I KNOW ALL THE ABOVE!!! I'm ROYAL because I know where I come from.
Would a prince know he is the future king if he doesn't know he is a Prince? The ROYAL bloodline is not enough.
To be ROYAL u need to Know who you are. To be a QUEEN you need to know you come from a QUEEN.
To be Royal you need to be aware of your history. To be Royal u need to share your Highness with Royals like you.
Get to know the road you have taken to come to where you are now.
Once u get in touch with where you were, it is easier to figure out where you're going.
And once u know where u heading to, it is easier for you to show others the way to follow.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day!!!

First I'd like to wish y'all a Happy Valentines Day... But I have a question in mind (as usual, you'd say:)DO MY BLACK AFRICAN MEN KNOW WHAT VALENTINE'S DAY MEANS FOR A WOMAN?
And just like every time I ask myself a question, I have my own answer. You are free to agree or disagree and if you want to be neutral, you also have the right to choose not to choose but at the end of the day, it's a choice! So, here is my answer: THEY DO, YET THEY DON'T CARE!!! Yes I'm generalizing but if you feel you are an exception, then good for you and your partner.
I think black African men are aware we DEMAND very special attention on Valentine's Day. They know we expect flowers, a gift, or to be taken out as well as a great night of sex. What do they do instead? They spend time with their friends in a bar or they watch soccer, rugby or whatever sport they like, and when they come home, they only expect the sex part to happen. The worst part is, they come up with the most pathetic excuses ever...
The reason why they look for excuses is because they know what it means for us. And every year, we let them get away with this.
Some of them will start looking for trouble the days before D-day just to have a good reason not be around. Others will come up with lines such as:
-"Oh but Valentine's Day is just a marketing day for shops and restaurants"
-"Do I need Valentine's Day to show you love?"
-"Why are you women so pathetically in need of attention???"
What IS pathetic is that we, women, already know all those lines and but... (As always in my "opinion pieces", there is a "BUT"...)
Some black men, exceptions, can be very dedicated to their partners on this special day: from roses to a nice restaurant and gifts, they will just go Santa on their partners. These "exceptions" are those always caring men who give their full attention to their partner. It doesn't happen as a surprise, it is something thy know because it is part of their personality.

Being a Black African man does not mean that you should not pay attention to a day your woman thinks special. As a black African, your culture teaches you that your partner is your wife, your mother, your shoulder and your pillar, therefore you should learn to spoil her, to cherish her desires especially when you know it is important to her that she gets your full attention. Valentines day is special for every women: black, white, yellow, pink or purple so take it into consideration and act accordingly.