The Iboga plant is a perennial rainforest plant that grows in African rainforests, especially in Central Africa. The plant has small green leaves, white and pink-colored flowers, produces an orange-colored fruit that is elongated oval-shaped or round spherical shaped, and has yellow-colored roots which contain an alkaloid known as or called 'indole alkaloids.'
African forest people, especially those of the Bwiti religion in Cameroon, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo, have been using the plant in ceremonial rituals (mostly spiritual ones) for ages. Amongst these particular people, Iboga is consumed in large doses by initiates of the Bwiti system and on a more frequent basis Iboga is consumed in much smaller amounts in connection with ceremonial rituals and tribal dances.
In smaller doses, the plant serves as a stimulant. Iboga is used by some tribal hunters to maintain their alertness.
According to some countries, Iboga, instead of being an addiction treatment is itself a drug.
What is a drug?
A drug is any substance that creates dependance, alterates a person's behavior and in so doing, deteriorates the user's body.
We could add so many bad things in a definition of a drug... As for Iboga, none of these occurs. You can take Iboga for 50 years of your life, you will never get this sensation of need you feel with drugs, your immune system will be as strong as when you started taking it, if not stronger; and you will be free of any addiction.
Now after reading this, do you really think Iboga is a drug? (go and answer the poll...)
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