Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our Responsibility

What exactly is our responsibility in the struggle that is happening in Gabon?

When i say "OUR", i am talking about africans in general but Gaboneses in particular.

Should we just look at it and turn our back or should we try to fight an upcoming dictatorial regime?

If we decide to fight, how could we fight efficiently?

UNITY is the best arm. If all of us stand as one to say "NO" we will be listened to. We are "THE" generation of change. We must make a move beause we are the future of our country and continent.

Make a move and say NO

Friday, September 4, 2009

SCANDAL!!! What kind of a president will be Ali Ben Bongo if THIS has happened???

This is the story about Gabon new president's 1st wife.

To be continued!!!

Gabon: What's next?

Thursday, September 2nd has been the longest day in this Central Africa's country. As the new president has been officialy presented to the nation, many, if not all Gabonese fell into a big feeling of disappointment.

The worst has come. Ali Bongo Ondimba, son of previous president Omar Bongo Ondimba took over the power by a big Electoral Putsch.

The population, counscious of this unacceptable act, reacted violently.

The biggest questions today are: Knowing that people do not want him, will this dictator, abusing husband and uncarring father leave the power to the real winner of this election (whose state is unknown by the way, after been hurted in his head and shoulders by soldiers)? And what should we do to force him to leave the country?