Thursday, December 9, 2010

Polygamy by Carmy

Good day everybody! as you all know, Tradiproc-C is about African culture and traditions. One of the practices we find almost everywhere in Africa is polygamy. For some men, it is the solution against cheating (really???); as for some others it is totally unacceptable. Women, in another hand, are almost all claiming the abuse in this practice.
Now, what is my opinion regarding the matter? where do I stand? Here is my point. I am totally FOR polygamy!!! Yes, I said it!!! FOR and not against... Now, here are my reasons, which you don't necessarily have to agree with:

- A man will ALWAYS cheat! So, instead of having him sleeping around, i know who he is doing it with. Therefore, there is no lie between the spouses.
- Black African families are not nuclear families, having many "houses" build this feeling of togetherness for the children.
- In case of infertility of the first wife, it is important for a man to have a second wife in order to have children.
- A second wife is like a complement. Perfection is not from this world; therefore the first wife might not fully satisfy the husband. He will then have unsatisfied needs which could be compensated by another woman. It's way better than divorcing a woman you still love, but who couldn't fully satisfy you.
- It brings competition in the relationship. The spouses will always want to look their best and behave their best not to be the "less loved". The spouses will then take more care of themselves (and not just sit there and think: "I already have him, so what???")which could lead to have a better health and stay young longer...
- The husband has no reason not to give the spouses their allocated time. He knows they both need him, and they always look forward to the time they are given.
These reasons are just some of the goods reasons to choose polygamy over monogamy.


These are not good reasons if:
- Both wives are not supportive of each other. Children need harmony to grow up in a safe environment. The spouses must considerate all children as their own and always think of their well being first. This also implicates:
* never argue in their presence,
* never call their mother names to hurt them or say things like "go to your own mum",
* always respect each other. The first wife is the elder regardless of her age,
* sit together often.
- The husband does not distribute the allocated time as discussed by them three.
- The trio does not sit and discuss constantly about the issues encountered.
- The husband is not fair in the decision taken for the wives or the founds allocation.
If all these points are respected, a polygamist family can work perfectly.


It is important to put things in their context. having many wives and many children nowadays is almost like committing suicide by strangulation(lol!!!). Money is a big issue and providing for one wife and two children is already a day-to-day fight.
Also, women are more possessive and relate more to romantic movies, which makes it more complicated to tell them to "share" what they consider theirs. the first wife will then never accept to have a co-spouse and the second wife will only come on board because she thinks of taking the first position. No respect for the first one, no consideration of the other's children, and so on...


Monday, December 6, 2010




Surprise Surprise... In celebration of “independence” day for so many...I thought I’d switch it up a bit...and have that talk about the Independent MAN ! Something we hardly ever hear of !?

Why is it ? Maybe because people are always so busy campaigning for the Independent WOmb-MAN that we barely remember all MANkind aspired to Independence way before they were divisive concepts in the current English Language and society !

Long before these characters you read, MAN had an independent mind and practiced Freedom of expression. Even when Man was still communicating in what some have called hieroglyphs, he was still expressing his brilliance in vision born of a God that guarantees independence in will.

But Helas... just like the cow or the dog, MAN came to be domesticated and lost his God given right to think and act out of his values and convictions. MAN has submitted his mind to the governing of MEN ! Or as others call it; Government ! (Govern-MEN-t)

And this brings me to the search of the Independent MAN. Who is he ? What does he look like ? What does he do ? Is he really Independent ? Will he ever be ? Is he even aware of his enslavement ? Does he have plans to run away ?

Does he have a Queen yet ? Has he fathered Princesses and Princes ? Or is he still searching for his home ? Does he plan to be a King when he grows up ? Or is he scared of leaving the prince hood and bear the responsibilities of MAN hood ?

Do you have a clue of what the Independent MAN looks like ? Does he even exist ? Is he supposed to exist ? Would that MAN Be without ME ? Could his freedom be in finding the right Independent WOMB ?!

I say no real Man ever has to proclaim his independence, he just lives it as guaranteed by his Heavenly father! And a true independent WOMBman knows that God is above all Man.

Just as an independent MANkind is one that does not have a particular day in the year to remind them of their independence. An independent Mind is FREE of Fear even when in enslaveMENt !

And this is the story of My brother, The AFRICAN MAN who is still fighting for our Independence, 50 years after we had ceremonies to start the journey ! Hundreds of years since he was kidnapped from his Home ! And thousands of years after they invaded and destroyed My Kingdoms all across The MOTHER Land !

Long Live the Independent MAN. So We may carry more Independent Generations!


(Peace is our Freedom. Unity is our Independence. Blessings we get from God-IMANA- and even he comes home to/from us ! Breath you are Alive...Govern/Build ! )

Louise Uwacu

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How science comes to support History...

Professor Cheikh Anta Diop work has made an opening in the Negro-African history, which, for many western philosophs, Hegel firs, existed only in tribes... the lie is getting darker on the science's light.

The negro- Antiquity shined with then antique Egypt (Kmt), Abyssy and Nuby...

The cultural and linguistics similarities with Kmt, the elder daughter of Africa, have been revealed by ths pharaon of knowledge that is Cheick Anta Diop.

Wven though it wasn't loudly said in the UNESCO colloque (1) of 1974 entitled: " the population of Ancient Egypt and the decoding of the meroitic writing", the greatest egyptologists of this era concluded of the African character of Ancient Egypt.

Other African researchers on the continent or the diaspora ar still revealing new elements of these similarities.

give an odd to Théophile OBENGA, Aboubacry Moussa LAM, Oscar PFOUMA, Jacob H. CARRUTHERS. Alain ANSELIN... Who contribute by their work in the emancipation of black people on the continent and in the diaspora.

Nevertheless, the darkness is still there... Talking about this past Egypto-African in Guadaloup for example, will be like marginalising yourself, and this even in the eyes of our intellectuals, historians, biologists and doctors...

The antropological aspect, the iconogrpahy (frescoes and statutes), the linguistical aspect, the ethnology, the ethnonimy, the typonimy and the texts from Greco-Latin historians of the Antiquity era (Herodote, Diodore of Cicile, Aristotle, Lucian etc) describe the Egyptian people as black with African hair.

Molecular Biology,revolutionary biology science of an DNA, is till giving elements to confirm the Negro-African character of KMT people and the African Diaspora from Ancient Egypt including these science articles:
(2) The science magazine "La recherche" of May 2002, in which E.CRUBEZY et al. confirming the Adaima's belonging to Ancient Egypt, 3700 BC: " this one (talking about the DNA) resembles sub-Saharans' population.
(3)" the HLA genes of Macedonians and sub-Saharans origins of the Greeks" by A. Arnaiz et al. in which the authors observe the genetic distance between the actual Negro-Africans and the South greeks is nearer than the other mediterraneans' and the Greeks. this is where the conclusion of the migration of Egypto-Nubian during the Pharaonic migration comes from.
Just remember that the first Greek king, Minos seems to be to be originally from Egypt, during the Meridional Europ colonization under Thoutmes III from 1468 to 1436 BC.
(4) A. Marin et al confirmed the presence of a Negro-African Gene of drepanocytose on six Egyptian mommies of the predynastic era around 3200 BC.
These examples will be enough to shut down the scientists specialized in the science of life, which woud have any doubts about the Egypt-African History.
C.A. DIOP emitted some hypothesis on the jewish mixing with black populations during the weaning of Egypt ( and not slavery as some say because no document testifies such practices in Pharaonic Egypt)
This hypothesis came from the fact that Moses according to the Bible is described as an Egyptian.
After reading these examples, will Molecular biology still be not enough for you to understand the Negro- African history?.
Y’aura-t-il encore de ceux pour qui la Biologie moléculaire ne suffit pas dans la compréhension de l’histoire négro-africaine ?

Sources :
1. Le peuplement de l’Égypte ancienne et le déchiffrement de l’écriture méroïtique" de 1974, au colloque de l’UNESCO.
2. « Les surprises de l’ADN ancien » de E. CRUBEZY et al. publié dans le magazine de vulgarisation scientifique La Recherche n°353 de Mai 2002.
3. « HLA genes in Macedonians and the sub-saharan origin of the Greeks » de A .Arnaiz-Villena et al. publié dans Tissue Antigens 2001 : 57 : 118 : 127.
4. « Use of the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) in the study of HbS in predynastic Egyptian remains. » de A. Marin et al publié dans Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1999 May-Jun ;75(5-6):27-30


Our deepest fear is not that we are not able to do things.
Our main fear is that we are powerful beyond the limits.
It's our own light, not our darkness that scares us the most.
We ask ourselves: "who Am I to be so radiant, cheerful, bright, talented and wonderful?"
In fact, who are we NOT to be?
Restrain yourself, live small, do not benefit the world.
the illumination is not to make yourself smaller to avoid making other feel insecure.
It is not only in some chosen ones.
It's inside us.
And the more we make our own light shine, we give to others the right to do likewise.
If we don't free ourselves from our fears, our presence automatically makes other people free.
by Muadi Henriette Mouamba